Friday, January 4, 2008

MC King 蓝钦喜

MC King 走了。。。
MC King has just passed away…

今天刚丛吉隆坡回来,新明日报管大妈给了我一个很吓人的问题 " 听说MC King 过世了" 立刻有一股很不祥的感觉。
I just got back from KL today, and Mdm Guan from Shin Min Daily called me up with a very horrifying question. She said "I heard MC King passed away". And I had this very ominous feeling.

So I asked around, and Henry Thia rang me to confirm the sad news. MC King has really passed away. Never have I seen Henry talking to me in such a sad manner. He was literally choking with sobs, breaking up between the conversation.

Actually, I am very affected by the sad news now… After all, MC King is a friend whom I've worked with on many many areas…

Now he's left, just like that. Very very sad…。

这是几年前跑吧孩子的一个庆功宴上的合照。this is some of the pics that we took years ago...

INS2 he was the fake police...

跑吧孩子里,一个滑稽的表情。the shoes shop seller role in home run

till now,i still cant accept that ,he is gone...i believed,many of you here feel the same like me

he was ok yesterday the same time ...

i hope that what i am writing is just a screen play...a bad dream!

不要是事实好吗。。。is not true ! PLEASE!! 

MC King 走了。。。



还是要说一次,真的很突然!真的很措手不及,上次另一个老朋友华亮,发生意外身亡后,也是记者打电话来通知,吓到我在开车一半,差点出车祸,这次同样的是记者,管大妈来求证,我真的是很惊讶这个求证,当我拨打他的电话时,我多希望就是他来接电话,然后听到他的招牌声音“没有啦,他们开玩笑的啦,是谁散播这个谣言”结果,他的电话始终打不通,真的是急得如热锅上的蚂蚁,然后,辉哥来电“confirmed了!MC King走了”,听得出,平时爱开玩笑的辉哥竟然哽咽的说话,可知道这个消息,这个青天霹雳的消息,对我们梁家班的震撼简直就是直击我们的大动脉。。。那一刻,我无法反应。。。





Princess Carol said...

OMG!!!! Very very very sad news...

Anonymous said...

o...! how can it be...``` can you...

Miss Loi said...

OMG ... I'm speechless! R.I.P.

missYLva said...

damn shocking. he is just 40yrs old only lo.. =(


Evonne said...

I was shocked when i heard the news frm my fren :(


Jun Hao said...

i was very shock that he die.he is a good in peace

Jun Hao said...

i was very shock that he die.he is a good in peace

Anonymous said...

他...他真的走了吗?Rest in peace...

Anonymous said...

MC King a very nice man indeed. One of my friend's mom use to work for him, he's such a good and nice person. take care of people well especially elderly people. real facts was he didn't even " pai jia zi " is a pity that he's gone. such a waste... :(

Anonymous said...

i read his blog, he recent post shows that he kinda know his time has come...:(
anywayz, R.I.P

Anonymous said...

very shocking....and sad.....unbelievably......

Anonymous said...

rest in peace mc king..

Anonymous said...

怎么这么突然呢? 今天才4号耶~




夏娃 said...


ErokiSan said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh My God!!! i really Shocked when i heard tis news from my dad... i jus saw his blog recently n kn tha he is a jovial person...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is indeed sad to see someone so young (40 is young ok) passing so suddenly. Life is such. Even a normal healthy person may just collapse and go just like that. So all reading this ought to allocate more time to be with your love ones, treasure the time you spend with them. Try to survive for as long as possible for your friends and family.

jimkfs said...

Live happily & precious everything we have as many unexpected may happen on everyone of us.

GossipBoy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GossipBoy said...

I from JB,just saw news,very sad.

Anonymous said...

MC King, rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

it's too sudden already! my dad was so shocked too..! damn sad!

StupidMKC said...

Omg... MC king is a actor that i watch him when i was young... such a pity he die so young... it really gimme a shock when my mom told me he die... i tot is just some rumour... really sad... Rest in peace MC King...

Anonymous said...

不...梁導演 你是說假的吧...

雖然對MC King不是說很認識
往往都是某部戲劇 某部環境劇 認識他
但 我好想這只是某部戲劇的內容吧...OMG!

Anonymous said...

It is very unexpected. I was shocked when I hear the news from my wife. My first reraction was: "How can it be?" Enjoy life my friends, for life is short.

Anonymous said...

别太伤心哦 :(

Anonymous said...

I am too depressed to sleep!!! Can't accept that mc is gone so suddenly!!!!

Anonymous said...

what a sad news? wake up MC King... We are all waiting you here...

Unknown said...

This is very sad. I just came back from my gather with ex-colleagues and then I turned on the TV to watch the news. Then suddenly heard that MC King had passed away. We have lost another great comedian actor :(

Anonymous said...


第一眼看到的文章是 ..



是命运还是什么 ?

希望他能安心 :(

Anonymous said...

This is really sad and unexpected, life is really unpredictable. It could only mean that God wanted MC-King to be with him now. Rest in peace, All the ppl in Singapore and those who know MC-KING will always remember him as a good comedian and actor.

Anonymous said...

this is reli a sad news for jus started year 2008...

i never been saw his blog b4.. til i know this news... i browse his blog.. and share his hapiness of his life...

but... he wont be able to updated anymore....

rest in peace...

Anonymous said...

It was 3.54am in Malaysia now and i have accidentally found ur blog and saw the news.. i werent aware of it.. how could this happeneddd?? My dad was a fan of his.. hope he will rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

don no wat to 'say' or 'write'...seen a few artists blogs who r close to him...juz the begining of a brand,fresh new yr, how could this be happen??recd this news from collegues while in ofc, Fri. We'll miss u MC, really, juz your close frendz does. Hv a gd rest...

Anonymous said...

anyone know what name mc used in face book?can't locate.thks

Anonymous said...

There are many things in this world that we can't foresee it...

So, MC King...Rest In Peace!!! (:

You are greatly missed by many many people!

Anonymous said...

so sad he leave like that i was really damn shock when i read your blog yesterday i could not believe it

Anonymous said...

Good artiste, alway happy on the tv show. Going to 40 n pass away just like that...
We have lost another great comedian actor..
Rest In Peace MC King,(Mr Happy Go Lucky)!!

Anonymous said...

i saw it in news yesterday...dun be so sad!R.I.P.

Anonymous said...

my friends and i just saw MC after new year eve countdown 1am, at JB town caltex petrol station, were talking about him then, just a few days ago, such a sudden news, was ever lasting household name... *Bern.

rambochai said...

wah... 真的是很吓到咯... 没有想到的事情是很难预料的... 神的路高过人的路... 人在很多时候就是不明白, 什么原因啦/为什么啦... 等等的事情都出现一个疑问... 虽然如此人还是要在上帝的面前敬拜他, 因为只有祂才知道"走的人"的身边需要的是什么... 虽然人往往都会忘记... 但是我相信... 上帝在让事情发生的时候, 必然有他的旨意... 而我在去年的11月也是有个很好的朋友1983年的, 也是一样过失了... 伤心是难免的. 重要的是我学习到一个功课, 就是珍惜身边的人... 愿他在天国里安息-

sÞ¡ηηєє said...

mc king is just working ard where i live. the first time i saw him was 2 wks ago, little i know it's the last.

it's just very sad that as u grow older, the artistes u once knew/grew up with are leaving one by one.

but that's life. hope he rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Its really sad, sometimes life is just so vulnerable, so unpredictable, so cruel... Rest In Peace MC King.. We will remember you..

Anonymous said...

原本周末 愉快 的心情 突然 变得灰茫茫一片,事因MC King 刚离开我们。无论是家人或朋友,我们应该珍惜每一刻每一秒,珍惜 眼前人,因为我们不知道他们几时会离我们而去。MC...

Anonymous said...

May be the best thing to do now is to pay him a last respect. Hope Mediacorp can produce a special programme for him

Anonymous said...

i really cant accept the news..i feel very too is really short. Don't kw wats goin to happen 2moro. Learn to cherish the presents.

xiaofeiji said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
xiaofeiji said...

so sad ....hope this just a dream

Anonymous said...

On 4/1/08 6.30pm chu8 news,when heard somebody throw bb on d roadside,i was scolding that if dun want the bb,dun bring him to this world,since u want to give birth than take care or ask for help and not throw. few mins later heard mc king pass away!!i scold can u leave us in this way...i really miss him so much..i remember last yr before he leave 972 i do talk to him,i was real down,he light up my day.MC let me tell u,today u bring us a real surpise.MC u always said u are nobody!let me tell u,u have fan,only u do not know....we hope ur blog will be there forever for us to meet to there.....miss you..

Anonymous said...

it is so sad to hear it.anyway iie was shocked when iie saw the news.anyway is really nort worth it for him to die at the age of 40yrs old.REST IN PEACE MC KING.

Anonymous said...

hais its sad tat he passed

Anonymous said...

sad)): wad is MC King's blog?

Anonymous said...

mc's blog

Anonymous said...

above link to listen and read about how mc died and what kind of person he is. (by his mum)

anyone know what exactly is 心肺衰竭 and the cause?

Anonymous said...

MC King 真的是一位值得我们怀念的艺人。。他是个好人。。相信他在黄泉之下会走的很安心。。大家就不要再伤心了。。免得他走的时候还对大家有牵挂。。

Anonymous said...

MC, may you RIP.

Jazz Mint™ said...

This is shocking... and very sad.. everyone leaves one day but when it really really come, we still can't help but feel sad...

Anonymous said...

A great comedian he is...
Really hope that Mediacorp will produce a program specially for viewers/his fans to remember him...

40 years old young comedian...
Everyone will remember you...
May MC King rest in peace...

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

really meh?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what's mc king blog ?

Anonymous said...

anonymous 11.56, please scroll up to find out!

Anonymous said...

it is sad to lost a great actor here. He isnt handsome but his acting is great. ANyway, may he RIP. Jack, dont be too sad. Life still going on. I guess MC King also wish u can bravely walk on this entertaiment road. A success of you also a success of him.

Shanewei said...

may he rest in peace.

JekSheng said...

MC king, from the time i'm born, he was one of the most famous comedian on TV. I've watch numerous shows he participated.

Now, he's gone..


he will live in my memory..

六意思 said...

愿MC KING一路走好。

girlgirl said...

i think maybe the heaven want him, bcoz the heaven lack of actors, have no choice to look for actors in reallife, and he lucky to be chosen it quite a happy new

i think is this reason is bcoz he is so healthy and dun have any illness, but why he suddenly die, so weird, and this might be the reason above


Anonymous said...

人生是那么的无常,说走就走。。。 来匆匆去也匆匆。。。

很喜欢每天读MC KingBlog 的我非常高兴他有一个很乐观的心态


伤透了心还是他的妈妈, 辛辛苦苦养大的一个孩子说倒下就倒下, 真的很不甘心



MC King R.I.P

Anonymous said...

I just couldn't believe the news was true!
I feel so upset about his death
What a shocking news for us beginning of the year~T.T

Anonymous said...

Its not a joke.. heart attack ? Is it ? He is healthy looking although of his size.. If thats the case.. guess its very unpredictable on life.. I've also met times where there's heart breathing in middle of nights & tot i might not wake up but i still alive.. Thats life.. u wont know what will happen the next minute.. So sad to hear the news..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

May MC king rest in peace. =S

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that he passed away, may he rest in peace, he really did some great jobs in INS2 and the other film *I watched that one but forgot the title, sorry*

Anonymous said...

冉冉来看梁导了,知道这个消息后,的确心情变得很差,我会永远记住MC King !~希望梁导的心情能够很快恢复过来!~

I'm Angelina =)) said...

can i noe y he died?

Anonymous said...

for me i dun feel shock, cos such thing is happening almost everyday however i felt pity for a young guy leaving so early. RIP

Anonymous said...

很多事情我们会预料不到,就如MC KING的离开我们。老实说我每次看到他主持节目看到他笑的时候多么可爱,我多么希望还可以看到他这可爱的笑声...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rest in peace Mc King. Such a sad piece of news. =[

agnes said...

The only words I can say to MC King now is to rest in peace, and I wish you are in Heaven now, cos you were such a nice person.

I remembered very fondly of your hosting together with Lin Youfa on 100.3 those days on every Mon to Fri. It was so entertainining and both of you were laughing so much, and me too. I have always hope that both of you would pair up again to host radio program , but it will be no more upon your passing.

Do you know that I learnt to cook braised chicken after you taught us how to cook this dish during the 3.30pm show for the oldies? I must say a big thank you to you for this and the fun and laughter you brought to us on tv.

Life is so unpredictable and so short, sigh............

Anonymous said...

I m very sad and i dunno y heaven would take him away so fast. This isn't fair to him.

Jansey said...

i jus saw this from a frd's blog entry. so shocking!!

i love his act. so witty n smart.. another talent is gone from us..

Anonymous said...

He is definitely the comedy icon of Singapore.

Anonymous said...

a very very sad news fr my dad saying mc king passed away....

Anonymous said...

my gosh. why ike that?
no more fun and laughter without him ~ ):

PatDeAvantGarde said...

Thanks for that group picture....... a very very beautiful & nice memory....

Anonymous said...

MC King,
It is not the time that matters, it is the laughter which you have brought to all the audiences, friends and fans. Maybe you rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

I was shocked when I heard the news from my sis. Even though am not staying in Spore. But if I happen been in Spore, like to listen to 97.2 FM especially at 7am.. All I can say now is I hope he rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

i almost cried out when i heard the news. he was such a funny person, such a caring person, and such a young man. i hope that you will be in a better place now, dear MC KING..

Anonymous said...


虽然你也有点小脾气, 可是你的演技是一流的!!

MC King, 安息吧!


I'm speechless. I hope this wont happen to anyone in the acting industry. My mind is in a sudden blank when this news reaches my mind... I cant believe it.

Anonymous said...

I FEEL SAD FOR MCK DIE! ALL PPL SUDDEN BE CONCERNED WITH HIM!!it is to be regretted!!! why not bf mc pass away

Anonymous said...

Sob...He passed away...Hope he R.I.P....Just so sad when i know this new...haix...

Anonymous said...

蓝老师的走让我很震撼...当同事告知我MC KING以走...我还无法相信...
还和她确认是不是梁家班的MC KING...

确认后只有难过..难过..很难过 -_-lll



Anonymous said...

蓝老师的走让我很震撼...当同事告知我MC KING以走...我还无法相信...
还和她确认是不是梁家班的MC KING...

确认后只有难过..难过..很难过 -_-lll



coolingstar9 said...

Lots of people attended the funeral of famous local comedian “MC King”. The 40 year old comedian died on 04-01-2008 Friday after complaining of breathing difficulties.

I was very sad over M C King sudden death.

M C King had a blog site , many fans went there to comment to express great sorrow about his sudden death on M C King's blog site.

Every body know M C King was a talented actor, he loved his parents very much. He was a nice man and full of humour. His show always bring joy to audience, thats why so many people talked about him and went to his to pay the last respect.

He will always remembered by audiences, let us wish him rest in peace.

jojo said...

Really cant believe it.It is a dream.hai......

Anonymous said...


没料 没水准 烂编剧,
自以为 故事内容苐一流,
只有某机构 把他当成宝,
故事烂到 可以倒进垃吸里,


人才到処是 看你如何找,


sheryl*jingting said...

why good people always doesnt get to live till the end? It's always this sad...Yet bad people live longlife =x Will really miss him..

Anonymous said...

tot tat my bf kidding wit me said mc king gone le.. i naerly scolded my bf.. miss MC King alot.. he is cute n funny actor.. rest in peace

Anonymous said...

its too sad a news.

Kikyo said...

death c0mes and go
jie ai ba):

WeiXuanC said...

so sad...

Anonymous said...
