Tuesday, February 12, 2008

好消息!we are No 1



Thank you all for supporting a Jack Neo production! This honour is a result of the hard work from everyone. In the face of such fierce opponents, such stiff competition, we didn't disappoint you all.

Actually, during these 4.5 days of Chinese New Year screening, the premiere of Ah Long Pte Ltd has already broken my personal record. In the past, premiere box office sales were below $700K. This time round, this achievement is definitely a very pleasant surprise to me. But of course moving forward, whether or not we can still hold the No 1 title, will depend on all your support. If my movie still has room for improvement, then I'll have to say, constructive feedbacks, I'll be very grateful for. All this while, I have been very serious about my movie production. Every one of my movies have never been slipshod.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Being No. 1 probably will make your critics eat their words.

I cannot get to watch your movie, since I am in the states. Hopefully, the DVD can come out soon.

some singaporean in the us

Princess Carol said...

CONGRATS!!! This is definitely good news. It's good that audience have given you (and local movie) their support. 虽说不完美,但终究都是一部诚意作品。。。


Anonymous said...

看了Ah Long Pte Ltd, 我笑的很开心也笑的很爽。谢谢!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

dear jack,

congratulations ..

fann acted very well and she is a box office hit.


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

congrats Jack =)

Anonymous said...


Your Movie is really worth the watch and is enjoyable.
Keep up the good work !!!

Anonymous said...

ok,you can call my office 67469688 ask for ANGIE or email to office@jteam.com.sg

Anonymous said...

Hello. I was kinda confused on the message you were trying to bring across. Whether is it to STOP people from borrowing money from loansharks OR the loansharks are very pitiful and framed. The story development was therefore not firm. There is definitely room for improvement. After all, besides the comedy, people would want a good story to enjoy. Good job on the jokes though, they are really funny! Fann and Mark acted really well. Perhaps there were too much dirty jokes for the kids? Thats my only concern. But anyway, good job

Geetahwoo said...

Hey jack. Do not be discouraged of what the critics say. critics will always be critics what, right? So just do your movies with your style. I believe there are more supporters of your movies than critics. Don't bother what they say. Just do the things that makes you happy. =)

Anonymous said...

虽然好笑,却觉得一些画面太入骨,太多暴力,比如血乱喷,砍杀流血,殴打。。。让我质疑,真的适合儿童观赏吗? 观众多是一家大小来看的,小孩不知道会不会明白'色'和'暴力'的部分。这点是蛮震惊的。大致上,我还是觉得这部电影很不错,值得推荐。

Anonymous said...

DEAR 梁導演~新春快樂!雖然未能去新加坡跟著一起拼這個春節首場或是後續 但我肯定會買DVD來看!很恭喜你摟!在春節前打掃我也在台灣公共電視看到播出[小孩不笨1]之後除夕夜裡 我放給家人看買回來的[我在政府部門的日子]大家都笑了...弟弟妹妹很喜歡那個飾演警衛的印度演員~很晚了~主要是來恭喜你摟~晚安!

Xue-er said...

it's a nice movie!

Anonymous said...


首先, 恭喜你了!

虽然戏未上映时的影评很差,但我想那可能是很主观的。 毕竟每个人对电影的喜好是很personal的。 就好像有句话说 : one man's meat is another man's poison.

年初四, 我和先生与及小妹到戏院捧你的场了。我们是抱者一个很客观的态度去支持本地电影和梁导的。

感觉上阿窿的故事情节不比你以往的电影好,可能是因为阿窿的暴力画面太多, 又欠点感动力吧。又或者是不习惯你的新尝试。

但是,阿窿还有它的魅力的。我们都觉得国煌演活了方佐佐这个角色, 是整部电影的灵魂人物。值得一提的是那演复仇女的Gaoyi. 她也演得很好, 虽然戏份不多。 我们都认为她会是一位有潜能的演员。

阿窿也达到了它的entertaining effect. 至少我们都笑的很开心、 很大声!:D

那天, 我们也看了星爷的CJ7. 看CJ7时, 戏院大概只有四成满, 但是阿窿却是满座的, 而且笑声连连, 所以这应是很值得鼓舞的。 我也因为好奇, 向售票员打听票房情况。那人就告诉我阿窿的票房与CJ7平分秋色, 并胜过功夫灌蓝。那时就有一种感觉阿窿的成绩应该会是很不错的。

再一次恭喜你了。 很期待你的下一部电影。希望那会是一部除了富有entertaining effect,也比较贴近现实生活,且较温馨的一部作品。



Bach MOH said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Jack!

Many of my friends think that Ah Long Pte Ltd is your worst production till date, Personally i really looked forward to it but it disappointed me, amongst the 3 movies, yours lack the plot, the shots and the feel.

I'll still support you, but CJ7 is the best amongst the 3 movies. Jiayou!

Anonymous said...

影评人所评的电影根本不必去理会,因为他们看电影的心态跟我们正常人不一样。好的影片。。评不好~鸡蛋里挑骨头,烂片就赞好。我想他们必须秉持颠疯想法,才能继续他们的工作。......!! 可怜可悲!!!今年的贺岁片单看trailer 就知哪部是 第1`2`3了。AH LONG PTE LTD 就是NO.1 GONG XI GONG XI. jIAO YOU JIAO YOU JIAO JIAO YOU!!

Anonymous said...

how come m'sia din hv this movie on the cinema? we all so wait for it..
and in this movie got so many m'sia actors..
my friend oso a actor inside but not a v important character lah..
pls play it in m'sia asap.. thx =)

Anonymous said...

hey, watched it on chu er. not as bad as what the critics say but not as good as your previous movie. guess it's because more cantonense and less hokkien is being used. personally, i feel that cantonese sounds nice and thus not as funny. hokkien on the other hand can sound crude and all. anyway, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

dear jack,

i watch this movie because of fann.

but the plot is not very good.

fann acted well and mark lee was entertaining.

most importantly, make a movie that is at least 2 hours

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Jack Neo! I wanna say a BIG Congratulations to U and the team! I caught yr movie on the 1st day of CNY and i thought it was great! I especially enjoyed Mark Lee's character.. i think he did very well and he really went into character :) as for Fann, i just think that she syill did better in Just Follow Law! Anyway it turned out very well. I am a big fan of yr movies and actually i am non chinese! BTW, any chances that ZOE TAY will be in any of your shows! It will be great to see her in the BIG screen after a long time! Best of Luck to U! and Keep up the good movies!

Anonymous said...

yes yes!

I want zoe tay too! is it possible to cast her in your future shows?

i miss the queen!

Anonymous said...



Kenny Wong

Mockingbird said...

It's easier to surpass your previous year's records because cinema tickets are more expensive now. Used to be $8, now it's $9.50 per ticket on a weekend. Furthermore, there are also more screens screening your show with GV VivoCity and Grand Cathay Multiplex.

Anonymous said...



Mockingbird said...

Well done Jack! Keep up the good work! :D 智强加油!:D

tsenghuat said...

What I read in the newspaper are a lot of personal attack on Jack and some condemned him to not a cent worth.Why? I do know some critics said certain movies made by local directors were good but the fact was nobody want to watch. Why? Does it mean singaporean are stuipd, they have no eyes to see!

Anonymous said...

Definitely i feel that you are a better director then zhu yan ping.

KungFu Dunk had poor editing and weak storyline but still funny and entertaining. It's JAY CHOU that sells anyway.

CJ7 however is a story that touched my heart!

Ah Long pte ltd did not fail me and make me laugh throughout the movie, I love the way how the story portray.

But one thing that i feel your movie loses out to the other 2 is the choosing of casts.

Kungfu dunk needless to say with jay chou, zheng zhi wei, wu meng da and all the other bigshots definitely adds on the chemistry between actors. Yes, Jay Chou is the selling point of the movie but you can't deny he is good in it. He is really one rare talent for the entertainment industry.

CJ7, the little "boy" (who is indeed a girl) and "his" classmates are all interesting characters. They are all NEW faces but acted naturally. The story is also a topic that stephen chow didn't try before. (Even though till now i still don't know which part he copied your previous works)

I really think that its time you need to source for more new talents. AS IN ALOT MORE.

It seems like the same few faces keep appearing in your movie and portray the same type of character.

Eg: Fann (in law by law she was a man), in ah long she was a gangster and have to act manly again.

Cast like Lao zar boh and Muthu too. Its like watching them in law by law all over again.

Not to mention all the jteam faces that appeared 100 times before.

Maybe your next movie you should consider a brand new sets of actors so we will not get sick of the same Jteam cast's face that appeared over and over again.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, i forgot to mention that MARK LEE acting really surprise me, He was the CORRECT type of cast choosen.

A director job is not only correcting the scene and piecing up the story, but also bring out the hidden talent in the actor.

Ya, i know is not easy. But you are the best director in Singapore, thats why we can only pinned our hope on you.

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings about Ah Long.

I will support it because i believe in the effort & sincerity of director Jack, and there are many hits in this movie.

HITS: 1)Jokes are very close to heart 2)Diverse dialects really speaks of the SG/Msia society 3)Movie Topic on Ah Long is very unique 4)Forces Fann & Mark out of their stereotyped acting roles 5)Discover new acting talents that are GOOD 6)Movie subject is more generalized - people outside Singapore like Msia, Taiwan can relate to it. Bigger market share.

But at the same time, got misses too.

MISSES: 1)Jokes get boring after a long time. 2)Some can't help but to see similarities between Ah Long and other movies produced in the past [though i still believe that this alone is not enough to say that director Jack copying other directors] 3)Censorship censor all the funny parts :o( tt was in the trailer. 4)Story plot can be tighter...

i have no problem with the use of fighting scenes, computer effects and exaggerated soccer match. Director Jack's message is very clear - whether Ah Long or not, everyone of us can be creative and think out of the box. This encouragement is good for society at large. To be innovative.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jack,

firstly congrats!! i brought my husb for your show (its his first time watching a local movie).. and i am really gald u didnt disappoint me..

although i didnt read what e "critics" have said, but one thing i didnt get was the plot of the show... but e comedy was good, e acting was good (but fann could be better)... my only regret was e show had like no ending?

but i have been always supporting ur shows.. and i tink, ah long pte ltd is one of ur lousiest production.. (comedy aside)..

in any case, keep up the great work.. and hope to see better production in the future...

waiting for ur next movie...

♥sIjiAn♪♫♪♫ said...

Director Jack,congratulations ya!

I wish to watch this movie but it is not showing in M'sia. However, I believe that it is a very interesting movie. This can be seen from these responses.

Your movies are meaningful..Like them!!

All the best=D

Anonymous said...

Hi Jack, im Katherina, a 24years old Viewer- singaporean... mi and my family always support your movies within a week of their release(well, i gave "pao ba,hai zi" - wic i find it too way back "my generation"). Needless to say, i watched Ur latest addition. May i express some humble views,

1stly.. i solute Mark for his Great Acting skills in tis movie.

2ndly, although i m NOT a fan of Fann, but i still like her acting in this movie. (However for this part,could i say that her character is still boyish like your previous movie(the personality exchange with Gurmit.)
May i oso comment that ppl like "song yi fei@Song qing qing" is also suitable for the role played by Fann.

3rdly, Marcus has little appearance time in this movie,as he is very entertaining.. in the next movie, more air time for him..

4thly, Maybe i could add in more Male actors from your JTeam like Nick Shen n Brandon Huang ...

Last but not least,may i say that i m overall abit disappointed becos seeing too much Malaysia-actors and the most of the Scenes are shot in Malaysia.. ( should i suggest tat, your main viewership is still in SG ppl?)
although i do understand tat in SG we do have certian restrictions in the topics for movies...

However.. i'll still be awaitin your new movie/works in years to come.

Thank you taking your time to read this...

With Best Regards,

Anonymous said...

you should credit fann and her fans for all ur box office ratings. nth more.

Germaine said...


Anonymous said...

if not wrong.. this movie wil play in m'sia start from 13 march rite??

龙哥 said...

Congrats on reaching the top spot!!!

You deserve it for all the hard work you've put in!

Will always be waiting for more works from you.. Jia you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Jack

Every chinese new year without fail i will bring my 2 children to watch your movie but this year did not watch your show.

I think this show is not suitable for children because it is violent and i am also worried about the lauguage used in the show.

Both my children like your "I not Stupid" and "I not stupied Part 2" very much. I hope in future you can produce more of this type of show especially about family.

Claudiaraven said...

hi there, i think ah long could have been a much better one, but it made me laugh anyway. mark lee is really awesome.
keep up the good work, me and my pals will always support your work no matter what.
Singapore flims rocks.

Joel Yap said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think they probably make a mistake on the the postion ranking.
No doubt Stephen Chow movie is not as good as previous Kung Fu. But I still think that is much better than Ah Long Pte Ltd. I personally find that Mr Jack Neo.. is too HAO LIAN~ and is not humble enough. I have watch both CJ7 and Ah Long Pte Ltd. If for me to choose to re-watch the movie I will still prefer to choose CJ7 even as the movie only 80mins where as, Ah Long is 118mins. In Fact, Stephen Chow is already hit to Hollywood. but Jack Neo is within small Asian population.
Not to make you feel bad, I have quite number of feedback from friends too.. they said watch your moive feel like "KENA CON" feeling. Is time for you to self-reflect!

Darren said...

Hie jack neo !!! The ah long song is nice where to get the dong ?
I eatch the movies just for ur song ^^

Anonymous said...

i thought the movie was absolutely perfect . Simple , straightforward , straight to the point . I had a good laugh . I bet the critics who said your movie sucked laughed their ass off too . thanks jack!

Anonymous said...

liang dao yan,y this time no vid/trailer de?i exam cant go watch leh.aft exam i wanna go watch,hehe.

王葱葱 said...


Anonymous said...

wish n support tis movie to b No1 throughout the screening in theathres muz support worx CJ7 stil quite close to Ah Long Pte Ltd leiis cnt too happi yet muz make Ah Long Pte Ltd No1 till end of screening ^^ grats

Anonymous said...

heys jack!
happy valentines!
very happy that ah long is number 1!
good movie! I like the dialects used and the foot ball match!haha!
all the best! jia you!

Unknown said...

Congrats Jack!
Mark really did it very well this time in the movie.. my friends who watched can't stop talking abt your movie and even sing the Ah Long song... I am very proud of you!

You are the legend!

Anonymous said...

congrat to u

x angela x said...

it is very nice movie!! i feel that it is better than Law By Law.. A very enjoyable show..! congrats for making the No.1 hits! Hope to see next year even better production!! Good Job =)

x angela x said...

oh.. i forgot 1 more thing... maybe shd ask mark lee to blog too.. i guess it will be super funny too.. hahaha :)

Anonymous said...

Clever, original, creative humour is a trademark of your movies and I thank you for the laughter and joy they bring. To me this movie is certainly a great comedy, humour wise. And I thought Lee acted great in this show ! What I would think can be enhanced is the cinematography of your production eg the camera angle. Like the first time the pink car of Lee was shown - it was very funny but I thought it is possible to achieve a better screen effect. In the future I hope you will feature Zoe Tay as your lead. CONGRATS and add oil !!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Hello Director Jack Neo,
I enjoyed your movie very much and always have. In fact, I've watched Ah Long twice. However, I am quite disturbed that Mark Lee wears a rosary around his neck. Well I am not sure if he is a Catholic or if there is a reason why he wears them. I understand that to some people it is considered fashion but I find it pretty disrepctful. Hope that you take note of it. =)

Anonymous said...

A very good movie you had produce as usual, i don't really support just local movie, i support only good movies. Ya, this latest hits of yours definately made itself into "lists" of e good one. However, i do notice that there 2 music scenes in this movie are abit too long; the first which is Mark lee singing scene, second was on bunch of fat ladies singing to force a guy to pay up his debt. In my opinion, these 2 scene are getting abit of draggy, other than that, everything seems good and definately worth my bucks! Good job!

Anonymous said...

I support you (Jack) and all local movies, you have done us proud.

I agree with your comment on CJ7 and KungFuDunk.
After i watch CJ7, the story is really plain and not funny, only a little emotional scene at the ending which is a very common plot in alot of movies, therefore I dont think this is one of the best Steven Chow movies to date.

As for KungFuDunk, it really is a copy of the Shaolin Soccer, nothing great to watch, unless they produce a really movie for SlamDunk, then there is something to see.

As for Jack your movie, this is a very new topic about Ah Long, which is great. Nobody have though about producing such movies in Singapore during the past, but you did it.

I really must salute you. Great job and I awaits your next great movie.

God Bless You.
From Alvin Chan

Unknown said...

Yes Jack, you are venturing into new ground which nobody is Asia had touched on. This is new mixed with your usual sense of humour which somewhat lingers in many of our mind. Movie lovers will not want to watch something which is repeated or related. You came up with the new content and I still believe in your upcoming movies will be likewise. Confrontational! Changing the the mindset of our society.

L-5 said...




I dun usually watch movies in the cinema except for local productions.

Great show. Many new original and creative ideas, 加油哦!Still room for improvement!! :)


YS Studio said...









His beloved said...

I have always supported local movies production especiall yours! My boyfriend and I have been very supportive of ur shows.(:

Keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

hey whats the hokkien song played in your show ahlong pte ltd?

Anonymous said...

IMpressed with mark lee ..acted veri veri well ...hope to see him more on movie.

Anonymous said...

congratz! Ah Long scored abt 1.4 million dollar in singapore wah pian EH! There is alot of money woe. cj7 take home pay 2.0 million ^^. Singapore movie reach 1 million in earning this is the highest number so far. Keep it up. I feel so proud as a singaporean hehe.

Anonymous said...


祝您开拍‘突然发财2’顺顺利利!让您在来年的Box Office '年头发到年尾!'


Accyee said...

Jack neo, love from brunei yeah! you're awesome. xo

Anonymous said...

Hey jack!

Firstly, good job for the movie!
i would say it's very funny! Hahah! However, i feel that the storyline just isn't there yea?
It's more of a "go in cinema, laugh, come out". I don't really see the storyline there. haha.

Mark Lee did really really well! I would say that the whole movie won't be half as funny without him. Hahhaah! :D

Throughout the movie, i kept thinking that you're going to use Mark's "dancing talent" to help him "dance" through some of the fighting scene while fann and the rest are fighting. Hahaha.

And i do agree with the rest that you need new faces! (:

I prefer your older movies actually, but jiayou okay! (:

Show us some more of ur movies! ;D

Anonymous said...

Hi Jack,

I went to watch your movie this morning, and I must say it's definitely a good watch, love the humor, the storyline, Mark is hillarious and of cos Fann Wong...think she's gorgeous n sexy even for the "lian-ness" :P

Only thing is I thought the 5 girls singing to "collect money creatively" part kindof off... think it's too corny and distasteful. Maybe it's the dancers la haha

Overall, I give the movie 4.5 out of 5 stars (should be 5/5 if not for the singing part)

More than that, I think you did exceptionally well in potraying ah-longs and the "importance" of their existence, but you never fail in bringing back the fact that no one gets away free when they break the law by illegal money lending, harrassment, destruction of properties and murder...

Overall, worth the time and money! I enjoyedit totally :)

Exuvalia said...


Anonymous said...

thanks for featuring fann in your movie ..

thanks for letting the critics know that fann can act in versatile roles..

hope ur next movie can feature fann and chris instead

Anonymous said...


YS Studio said...

Hello. Saw ur views abt CJ7 copying few of ur movies in wanbao tonight.

It's good that u mentioned it...though i am sure readers will start to scold you for being this and that. However, just ignore them lo cos it's only your views.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jack, first i commend you for allowing comments to be posted. oF course malicious comments should be removed, but i urge you to retain those which are objective and constructive.

Anonymous said...

what jack said is correct..
i agreed.

Anonymous said...


the commoner said...

Mr Jack neo, I may be wrong, but I dont think Stephen Chow watched your 《再见阳光》 before... In fact, I doubt even many Singaporeans know of this movie.
I believe many directors watch works of other directors for inspiration, therefore it is inevitable that some movie elements appear similar. However, to blatantly allege that Stephen Chow copies your works is really quite far-fetched and overbearing.

I enjoyed your movies such as
小孩不笨 and 跑吧孩子 even though some locals brand them as B-flicks. I think most Singaporeans acknowledge you as a famous local director, but it seems the popularity has gotten to your head.

Your 老师嫁老大 bears uncanny resemblances to Korean movie My Wife is a Gangster while 跑吧孩子 is an adaptation of Iranian film Children of Heaven.

Hope you will retract your baseless assumptions against Stephen Chow and continue to make Singapore proud with better productions.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

dont be discouraged,your movie is done rather well.i enjoyed it.however,maybe you can make improvements by not using cartoons to replace some of the fighting scenes.i think that would be much more interesting.KEEP UP THE GOOD JOB!

Anonymous said...

many ppl say no 1 because CNY dun have any more shows to watch le.. so watch Ah long pte ltd lor.. k.. the humour is there.. but the storyline really lousy.

Anonymous said...

if removing malicious comments like suggested in the previous post, then this will be a propaganda blog lor.. deceiving oneself and ppl..

Anonymous said...

Steven Lim is more talented than you.

Anonymous said...

Disappointing , not interesting at all .

Anonymous said...

you can be buddy with steven lim.

Anonymous said...

I've just watched it today!!!I like the songs!

Anonymous said...

Yo JACK! ur movie rocks! i laughed so hard! Definitely not a shabby production!

Dunno what those lously movie critics are thinking... must be jealous or something?

Jack Neo said...
