sorry...my PC got problem ...cant work well...
see i put ticket liao
Really couldn't laugh at this, so I took a photo for keepsakes and as a reminder.
In Singapore, we often inadvertently donate our hard-earned money to the state treasury.
有时侯,不是你有没有follow law的问题,问题是有很多条规写的时候,总有留一些空间让罚款发挥效应。
Sometimes, it's not that we don't follow law. The problem is, there are so many laws, and there will always be room for a fine to happen.
Why do you think the government employed so many experts? Do you think these experts are employed just for show? All these smart laws are invented by these experts…
Standard is sooooo high… Do you think the authorities are wrong? Definitely not, because they have stated the law very clearly. Because of your own carelessness, you get fined. In the end, you can only 'LL' blame yourself and your poor eye-sight.
The above two tickets, are a debut for me, published island-wide! Seriously speaking, I'm not in a bad mood, and I'm not blaming the law. Because it's my mistake for not having looked at the sign board properly whilst in a rush. These 2 fines, I can't put the blame on anyone. To put it bureaucratically, it's self-deserved. Hahahaha…
The reason I got the fines: I parked illegally. Twice in fact. And the authorities are really meticulous.
That was just a short period, and I even obeyed the law, displayed enough coupons only because I didn't want to get fined. But in the end, it happened coincidently, and gave me a lasting impression.
Spending some money to avoid a disaster is the best Ah Q mentality.
Looking at this picture, it means we've wrapped up the filming…
Let me take a break, sort some things out, and I'll present the best to all of you.
After coming back, I didn't have much free time. I'll be involved in the upcoming J Team variety program Comedy Night << 搞笑行动 >>. However, it will not be named Comedy Night, but Ultimate Comedy << 搞笑行动>>. Not that I'm the ultimate, but after so many years, many people have already become the ultimate.
I still remember the chubby girl from Jacky Jack Show << 超孟新人王>>, Ying Ying. She's now part of J Team. It's so difficult to find a comedian with the same frequency as J Team.
I will post more pictures periodically.
i went to youtube saw this very creative remixed of my gangster song .
just want to share with you this songs meaning too...
This song was taken from Liang Po Po – The Movie << 梁婆婆重出江湖>> 8 years ago. It seems that the underworld in Malaysia have used this song as their "anthem". Every night, in nightclubs and karaoke, this song would be played repeatedly.
This trip to Malaysia, I've met some of these "underworld brothers". They were the ones who told me.
I've written the lyrics here, and hope those who've never heard this song or don't understand Hokkien, can understand the meaning from here.
After listening, please give me your feedback.
真正的卡拉ok 版本是这个,大家听听看比较一下,当时我也有唱,找得到我在那里吗?
这是我们要拍摄的另一个大场面现场,有两百人左右! This is another big scene with more than 200 extras!
还有隆重的舞蹈场面。看看我背后的dancers! We had professional dancers in this scene as well!
你们知道了! 这部电影我已命名为《隆的传人》。在星期五已经在大马举办了记者会。这部电影预计会在年底上映。
I've decided to use《隆的传人》as my movie title! We had a Press Conference last Friday in KL. This movie is schedule to screen at year end.
I got to go....
拍戏的间中,我还有油轮表演合约在身。以上是我和国煌搭档舞台演出的秀照。灯光拍起来很美吧? 表演完之后,我马上又投入了拍摄工作。
I'm engaged for a show in Star Cruise. Those pictures were taken while rehearsing.
Today I did a very tough shot!
在后巷的火拼,共两百人参与,很好玩,但很紧张。This shot was taken at back lane. It's a scene of fighting. I've engaged almost 200 extras for this scene. It's tough but we are having fun!
I've got some photos to share with you:
这是在等待剧组时所摄。看得出在哪里吗? I took this while waiting for my filming crew.
你们猜猜看这是什么场面? Can you see who I'm standing with?
这位勇猛打斗的背影是谁? Who is the one fighting?
这位呢?猜不到吧? How about this? I don't think you know right?
这张好暗,还看得到我吧? It's a bit dark, but still can see me rite?
这灯光拍起来有feel吧? This pix got feel right?
在我背后有你们熟习的背影吗? Can you see anyone you know standing behind me?
Hello, it's me again!
I very busy with my filming. Only sleep 2-4 hours per day. Everyday is like going to war. Rush, rush, rush, Go, go, go....
I really try very hard to update my blog but I can't afford the time. Filming schedule getting tighter, I need to work harder.
Here are some photos to share with you....This is me in KL. I am looking for a good shooting location. This place is very beautiful.
Director at work.....very serious. I am giving instructions.
My crew, we are at some fishing lake. It's a very beautiful place. But very hot, cannot tahan.
Thank you very much for coming! I need to go back to work.....
You have seen many of my films and TV shows...do you know how i work?
Welcome to my blog!!