Many of my old friends are asking, the Army Days series that I introduced more than 10 years ago, were very popular. Do I still have it?
Honestly, I still have them, but some are spoilt...
This is my first album...这就是我的第一张军人写真!内容都是和阿兵哥的喜怒哀乐有关。 不知道网友当中,谁还有,你们记得多少?
I wonder how many of you net pals out there still have it, and how much of the series do you remember?
My first album. At that time, I had to fork out SGD 4,000.00 in production fee (excluding my recording and lyrics fees), and also requested the help and services of a well-known composer's (who was also just starting up at that time) help. During those days, there was no computerised recording nor editing. Everything was done the traditional way.
录了之后,没有任何一家唱片公司有兴趣,我差点撞墙,后来找到一个,当年算是很有分析力的年轻唱片公司老板,因为他也当过兵,他觉得很有趣,但是很担心国防部会叫他去问话,后来,还是勇气可嘉(xi sua死了算了)的心态,勇往直前。
After recording, none of the record companies were interested at all. I was utterly disappointed planing to bang wall. Then I came across a company, with a young and analytical boss. Because he also went to the army, can feel that my album was very interesting. However, he was worried Ministry of Defence might start irritate him, with a courageous (die-die just do it) attitude, finally he gaga went ahead to produce it. 结果,买个满堂红,大约两万多张,笑到他带着钱上银行。。。我呢,总算创出一个名堂,当然,卖得那么好,那个老板也没有包红包给我,哈哈哈。。。 命苦啦。。。唯一的奖励是,继续帮我推出第二张军人写真。。。
The result, the album sold like hotcakes. Approximately 20,000 copies, and the boss laughed all the way to the bank... As for me, at least I made a name for myself. And although the album did very well, the boss didn't give me a red packet, hahaha... And my reward was, to continue producing my second album...
这个就是我的第二张。。。 我因为收到第一张热卖狂卖的鼓舞,idea和灵感如泉涌,写了很多内容,程度上更够力!几乎把我多年来在军队里的观察宁可杀错不可放过的通通轰出来,结果一张一小时的专辑挤不下,于是,干脆,一不做二不休,弄成两个卡带,当时我很洋洋得意的称为,双龙出海。
Because of the success of my first album, lots of ideas and inspiration came gushing like a waterfall. I wrote a lot , almost everything that happened during my tour in the army. den realised that ,one hour is not enough for a cassettes, so....no choice la,make it two hours (same as movie length) become 2 cassettes .hahahaha... And I proudly name it "Emergence of 2 dragons" (双龙出海). 推出后,狂卖4万多套,两个卡带是一套,根据浩练一点和宠爱自己的算法,这张唱片,卖了接近9万个卡带,哈哈哈。。。老板赚到笑,赚多少我不知道,我只拿该拿的酬劳,同样的是,我没有获得任何红包。。。命苦啦
After the launch of the second album, it sold 40,000 copies. Both cassettes in a set. And in a haolian(proud) and self-comforting mentality, this album sold close to 90,000 copies, hahaha... but only boss made money,i only collected what we agreed ,that all...what to do?
孙燕姿,林俊杰,阿杜又怎样,人家我,要是根据唱片界的算法,我臭臭都可以拿"白金""黄金"还是"黑金"唱片了。当时我的唱片公司也颁了给我白金唱片在我的婚礼晚宴上,双喜临门,等下我叫老婆找一下当年的照片,有的话,给大家看看我的第一次,也是唯一一次拿的唱片大奖。 933当年没有报导,因为,933当时还没有成立,但是有的话,我相信我的这种唱片不属于流行歌曲种类的,933应该不会有报导。所以,当时卖的如此好的专辑,知道的人也不多。不过,对于很多当年支持我的歌迷,一定记忆犹新当时很多当兵的人还有他们的女友都在谈论着这个专辑,无论如何,这些歌曲,陪很多人度过了很多寂寞的军队生活和童年吧。。。
So what if it was Stephanie Sun, JJ Lin Jun Jie or Ah Du. If I, thinking along the same lines as the record industry, would have easily gotten a "Platinum" , "gold" or "Bronze" record already. The record company at that time, also awarded me with a platinum record . Oh yes, later I get my wife to look for that "awarding receiving" photo. If I can find it, I'll show all of you my "first time". also the only time I got a music award. Yes 933FM didn't report that award either, because I think Yes 933FM didn't exist yet. Even if they had existed, this album was not under the pop songs categories either. Therefore ,album sold very well, but not many people knew about it. But still, I strongly believe, many fans who supported me during those times, would still vividly remember, those songs had accompanied you during your lonely childhood and Army days....
Following that, came the third album... this third one ,din do better then the second one... also not bad la,production is higher standard...
这是正面,因为是以军人写真为卖点。this is the front side.
this one looks like back side,actually both can be front side...as moses Lim was very famous too..remember the Ah Fat role, his yoyoyoyo...so many ppl like to use it during the normal conversation...