"梁家班"艺人程旭辉、郑荔分和翁兴昂走出电视和电影,和著名漫画人物"老夫子和大番薯"呈献"老夫子J Team Live 音乐剧"。
J Team artistes Henry Thia, Michelle Tay & Weng Xing Ang have walked out of the TV and movie screens. They will be working together with popular comic characters "Lao Fu Zi & Da Fan Shu" to present "Lao Fu Zi J Team Live Musical".
若要问中国历久不衰,长居漫画销售量榜,风摩全球华人社会的漫画,无疑是王泽书的《老夫子》 ,当之无愧!《老夫子》漫画,风靡华人世界近半个世纪。这部系列漫画作品内容健康、情 节风趣幽默又能反映时弊,其中令人上进的元素和健康教育意义,在不知不觉会心一笑中融入读者生活。再 加上老夫子是跨媒体漫画人物,除了平面书刊,还多次被拍成电视、电影、动画片和舞台剧。
There's definitely no doubts that this popular comic by Wang Ze Shu that had swept the world like a storm, was the best selling comics from China! The comics swept the Chinese markets worldwide for nearly half a century. This series of comics have a wholesome story line, and is also filled with humour, and it reflects reality. And people actually do get motivated by the wholesome and educational stories, and it also unconsciously puts a smile to people's faces. On top of that, Lao Fu Zi is also featured across all media. Other than just publications, it has also be made into TV shows and movies, animation and musicals quite a few times.
幽默、诙谐和副娱乐性,"老夫子J Team Live 音乐剧",是由新加坡制作人特别策划、设计的舞台剧。这也是新加坡著名搞笑艺人 程旭辉、郑荔分和翁兴昂首次走出电视和电影,和著名漫画人物"老夫子和大番薯"同台演出。
Humorous, witty and very entertaining, "Lao Fu Zi Live musical", is specially scripted & choreographed by a Singaporean producer. And this is also the first time Singapore's well-known comedians Henry Thia, Michelle Tay & Weng Xing Ang has stepped out of the TV & Movies, working with the famous comic character "Lao Fu Zi & Da Fan Shu" in a stage play.
演"老夫子J Team Live 音乐剧"最大的挑战,除了和人偶的肢体互动,艺人现场和人偶预录对话的时间掌控也非常重要。这样方式的演出,对 程旭辉、郑荔分和翁兴昂来说,是一个新尝试。他们在短短1个月的时间内,就和人偶产生的默契,将舞台剧一气呵成。加上艺人的现场发挥,每一场的演出都会有不同的效果、擦出不同的火花。
The biggest challenge while performing in "Lao Fu Zi J Team Live musical" is, apart from co-ordinating with the human dolls, the timing of the artiste's live perform ace with the human doll's recorded lines have to be very accurate. This type of performance to Henry, Michelle & Xing Ang is a very new experience. They manage to create a very good rapport with the human dolls, and it's a very good accomplishment in a very short period of 1 month. On top of that, the artiste's impromptu performance, will create different effects at every performance.
"老夫子J Team Live 音乐剧"有歌、有舞、有笑话,是一个老少咸宜的演出,肯定让在 AMK Hub购物的顾客在办年货的当儿,增加许多购物的乐趣。
"Lao Fu Zi J Team Live musical" will be a very entertaining show for both the young and the old, with songs, dance and comedy segments. And it will definitely bring lots of fun and laughter to all the shoppers at AMK Hub.
"老夫子J Team Live 音乐剧"表演日期为 2008年1月25日至2月3日。表演时间为每个周末下午1时,4时及晚上7 时,每个周日下午1时及晚上7时(星期一休息)。地点于AMK Hub Basement 1的中央大厅。入场免费。
"Lao Fu Zi J Team Live musical" will be on from 25 January - 03 February 2008. Performance time will be every weekends, at 1pm, 4pm & 7pm, every weekday at 1pm & 7pm (No shows on Mondays). Venue will be at AMK Hub Basement 1 Exhibition Hall. Admission is free.
JACK NEO 你的节目很好看!!!!
i saw the ahlong clips from Laozhabor blog i kinda like the movie.It packs with a laughing punch.Am looking forward to catch it on the big screen. some shots scense resemble the tradition housing looks in the old days of singapore. maybe Mrjackneo might want to cast his next movie from the Pulau Ubin island? hehe
Jack Neo,
关于您的 Ah Long Pte Ltd...Fann Wong 配 Mark 虽然是一美一丑,但是以喜剧来讲我就认为梁导配得好...嘻嘻,以他们的演技加上您的手法戏院笑声此起彼落。值得一提的是那个复仇少女,高艺...哇!我可从她眼神中感觉当她亲眼见到双亲被人逼害的那种无奈哀怨与痛恨!哇哇!
do you have msn??
if you do have one!?
please add me !!!
your blog is very nice!?
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