我的女儿终于修完O 水准了!
我的大女儿,终于修读完中四O 水准了!身为父母,我和太太受邀出席毕业典礼。My daughter has finally completed her 'O' levels! As parents, my wife and me were invited to attend her graduation ceremony.。 来到这个礼堂,里面充满一种礼堂的气味,让我回想当年我在圣公会中学念书的日子,也是在类似这样的一个礼堂。 Coming to this hall, it's filled with old school-hall atmosphere. Brings back those memories when I was a student at Anglican High, we also had a school hall like this. 这位是她们的校长,上台致词,相当感性和感人,如果我是"就要毕业的同学" ,肯定会被她的话感动,现在的身份虽然只是家长,也感觉到这段致词的内容附带的激励性和人性对即将离去的同学绝对是一个 很好的鼓励。 This is the principal, making a speech on the stage. Quite perceptual and touching. If I was an undergrad, I'd sure be moved by her words. Although I'm now a parent, I can still feel that her speech carries morale boosters & humanity to those students who were about to graduate which is definitely a very good form of encouragement. 看看其中的这段话。。。我也被感动。其实在现实生活中,以下的这句话,我们不知道兜兜转转了几百次。同学们也许现在不能理解他的真谛,出来社会之后,慢慢的就会明白了。 Have a look at one of the phrases… I was also very touched. Actually in real life, we may already have experienced it hundreds of times. But perhaps these students may not fully comprehend the true meaning. But when they step out into the working world, they might start to understand it slowly. 毕业典礼上,另外一个意外收获是,竟然有这么多美女啊,上台领奖的,很多都倾国倾城,新加坡演艺圈很缺乏美女,为什么这些才貌双全的人没有走靠近我们呢?为什么现在一大堆的选美赛,来比赛的佳丽,素质一年不如一年,这些美女跑去那里了呢? At the graduation ceremony, I had another unexpected surprise. I didn't expect to see so many pretty ladies. Those who went on stage to receive their awards were "beautiful enough to overthrow cities and states" (or exceeding beautiful). Singapore's media industry lacks such beauties. So how come these beauties with brains did not come approach us leh? Why out of so many beauty pageants, their standard has dropped, where have all the pretty ones gone leh? 这个就是我的产品我的女儿啦,怎么样?还可以吧?不要怪我为什么照片蒙蒙。。。原因有三,第一,我技术烂,第二,我相机烂,第三,相机和我一起烂,所以,怎么办呢! This is my product, my daughter lah. How, what you think? Can lah hor? Don't blame me for those blur pictures… There are 3 reasons why... First, my skill is 'shit' . Secondly, my camera also 'shit' . Thirdly, both the camera and my skill 'shit' together, so therefore, what to do... 领了奖,急忙下台。。。这就是我的宝贝女儿。 After receiving her award, she's hastily rushing off the stage… This is my precious daughter. 更意外的发现是,连女老师,班主任也长得让我非常" 刮目相看" ,你一定会问我,为什么拍美女老师镜头就捕抓得那么清晰,女儿的就拍到" 像雾又像花" 。这个也是相机的问题!就在那个时候,相机自己良心发现了,怎么可以怪我呢? A bigger discovery I made, even the female teacher and form teacher was also very pretty, making me sit up and take notice. You guys sure ask me, why taking pictures of pretty female teachers so clear and sharp, but pictures of my daughter turn out like 'cloud and flower' (super blur). And this is also the camera's fault! Just at that moment, the camera got stung by conscience, so how can you blame me?
Plus officers from MOE who might have read the news, and because of the value of the news, reporters will follow up very closely also. HaHaHa, very interesting suggestion from my friend…
At the graduation ceremony, there should also be some performances. This dance segment was also quite nicely choreographed.
OK, 那个,头刚刚转过去的就是了,我的相机对准她的时候,刚好她转头讲话,这个算我的错也很不符合剧情啦。。。
Want to see my daughter is it?
OK, that one, the girl who just turned her head, that's her. Just when my camera had focused on her, she turned her head to talk to her friend. So to say it's my fault again, like very injustice lah…
How's this one? Getting clearer already…
This is the scene that day. Very lively, and every where is filled with goodbyes, laughter and sounds of cameras clicking away. Didn't see anyone sobbing. Times have changed. It's very easy to meet up these days. And maybe because it's that easy to meet ups, people just lack that feel.
I was there for the graduation ceremony too! It was really meaningful.
OMGOMG. can't believe your daughter studies at sacss too!
What school is SACSS? How come the graduation ceremony so late? Tot it's normally before O level?
哈~每次到這種是會笑...好事 好事!
今天工作特別多 中午休息能夠來這看看
台灣怎樣的等級? 碩士班?
我該叫姐姐?or 媚妹?!
身為技術類學院/大學的...哈! 隨便啦...
記得二技畢業 還在熱得要命的操場舉行
大家都想早點回家了...熱 可不是早上...
居然是晚上 你想那是怎樣的悶呦!
i also from anglican high! haha
因为她们都不喜欢(No interest)在演艺圈吧。不然就是没有机会(no opportunities for them)
其实我也想在演艺圈创可是有点矛盾(hesitate) 。。因为我认为我认为我长得很普通。。
如果我有个女儿长得好的话,去学孙燕滋,阿杜唱歌先好了,不然跟梁导学习也好,至少应该比在那个山中更快打开海外市场。market大,机会应该也比较多,虽然跌倒的机会也比较高。no pain no gain~
i feel uncomfortable showing my daugther in the internet if i ever had one because there are lots of hungry ghost.
i'm oso from SACSS...
i really miss the sch a lot...
i graduated in 2004 n the ceremony was at Sinagpore poly. the principle oso change le...
Those were the days...
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