Sunday, September 30, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Frankly speaking, I blog because I want to keep in contact with my supporters.
Some people had said that because of my blog, I have spoiled the mysteriousness of an entertainer.
But I don't agree to such old fashioned thinking.
Amongst my net pals, many of them are English educated. I initially had the intention to write only in Chinese, but I realized that many youngsters just couldn't read, nor understand what I was writing.
Occupational hazard lah. Really couldn't tolerate having so many supporters coming into my territory and not being able to understand my thoughts. Just not my style and don't feel good about it lor…
发现。。。 Discovery…
These days, some people tend to have very negative mentality. If you don't appreciate my works, then I have to give up. If that was the attitude, then how can the earth still spin leh?
Some net pals even advised me to give up the English translation, and I felt utterly disappointed by those suggestions.
Perhaps some of you don't understand my situation. Imagine telling someone who appreciates you and wants to be your friend, ask them to get lost just because he or she don't understand what you are talking about.
如果你不会叫欣赏你的人滚开,你就应该明白为什么我的博客得要有两种语文。再说,我的电影已经悄悄的走到很多国家去,包括了一些在美国求学的孩子(非新加坡人),来新加坡访问我的时候告诉我,他们认识我的电影是因为,老师在上课的时候用我的电影做教材,所以认识我,这种情况,在中国更是普遍,对于很少注意我消息的朋友,你们不妨上百度网站看看,, 然后上去他们的" 贴吧" ,输入" 小孩不笨" ,你就可以看到,亚洲网民,大陆,香港,台湾。马来西亚等地方的孩子观赏小孩不笨之后的一些回响。
If you're not the type who would tell that person who appreciates or admires you to get lost, then you would understand why I must have 2 languages on my blog. Besides, my movies have already made to many other countries. And some students in the US (non Singaporeans), who had come to Singapore to conduct interviews with me, were telling me that they knew my movies because their teachers had used my movies as teaching materials during their lessons. And these scenarios are even more common in China. For those of you who don't follow news about me that closely, you can drop by the Baidu website to have a look, and then click on "贴吧 " (Post) and type in "小孩不笨 " (I Not Stupid). From there, you'll be able to see forum feedback from audience in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia etc posting their comments and thoughts about " 小孩不笨" (I Not Stupid).
This website has been around for about 4 years, and I read it frequently. Sometimes I also post some messages, and listen to feedback from people all over Asia, and I use their comments for references, to which I do gain a lot from.
Honestly speaking, we can never please everyone in anything that we do. But since the blog is my own playground, and as long as my intentions are harmless, I will still hold my ground and blog. For those of you who can't read or understand Chinese, don't worry, I won't abandon you guys! No matter how strong the wind blows and how big the rain is, with me around, no sweat!
With regards to the translation, pls don't be so harsh lah. Actually, I have requested my translator to translate as closely as possible to what I have originally written. Because if the Chinese version was comical and the English version is so proper, then the entire style would have been miles apart, and would not fit in at all. And with that, people will start having other opinions about the translations again.
最后,针对我称呼成龙为 " 老人家" 的争执,让我来解说一下。
Lastly, let me clarify the dispute on " 老人家" old man.
Addressing someone as an 老人家(lao ren jia )in chinese, to a certain extent, is not exactly being disrespectful. I'll give you an example: Grandfather brought his grandson out for a walk. The "lao ren jia" just likes to go for an exercise, to keep fit. Would all Jackie Chan fans pls read it in detail, and tell see if I have been disrespectful to him? If I had described Jackie Chan as " 这老头子 " "the old fogey" or "老家伙 " "old goat"… Then I'm really being disrespectful, get it?
还半信半疑吗?可以试试看问问华文老师,如果是因为英文的直接翻译惹祸也请大家原谅,因为" 老人家" 的英文翻译还有更贴切的吗?有的话,我一定取代现有的old man 。
Still don't believe ah? you can ask the Chinese language teacher. If it's because of the English translated term ,can any one tell me, what would be a more appropriate or the closer term for " 老人家 " ? If there's really a better or correct term for it, I'll replace it without any hesitating .
真的是。。。。伤脑筋哦!!! Aiyoh, really headache leh!!!
呼呼呼。。。。 (Liang Po Po panting away again…)
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

坐在贵宾席,很靠近舞台,友人叫我拍一张照片留恋,没想到竟然出现这个效果,对比背后的巨型彩照,前面那个英俊的叫jack 后面那个老的叫jackie ,只是差两个字 ie,还差得蛮大的,不是长他人志气灭自己威风,当成是鼓励自己就很有意思了。As I was seated at the VIP section very near the stage, my friend made me take this picture as a memento. And little did I expect to have captured this effect. In proportion to the large poster in the background, the handsome guy in the front is called Jack, and the old guy in the back is called Jackie. Only 2 alphabets apart; i e, but there's such a big difference. Not that I'm putting myself down in comparison to him. But instead, take this as an encouragement is not a bad idea!
这个老人家,算是我们华人影坛的奇迹,横扫全世界票房的他,当年也吃过很多苦头,这个是他成功的付出,在这里称呼他老人家占他一点便宜是应该的,他也赚了我不少钱,至少,我们都是看他的电影长大的,还每一部都不错过,我知道你们现在马上会说,梁导我们也是看你的节目长大的,你也赚了我不少钱,告诉你事实吧。。。不相信?说我骗你们?哎哟,我都听到了,真的没骗你们啦,各位,不要只看我们风光的时候,幸苦的时候,你们是无法想像的咯,一言难尽,改次才说。This old man is considered a miracle in the Chinese film industry. This is also the man who has been sweeping box offices across the globe, but had also gone through tough times before. That was the price to pay for his success. Calling him an old man here isn't that bad. At the very least, he's earned quite a bit of money off me. Well, we all grew up watching his movies, in fact, without missing a single one. And I also that all of you guys out there will be saying "Director Neo, we also grew up watching your movies, you also made a lot of money off us". Let me tell you, what... Don't believe? You think I'm lying? OK, I heard it. But I'm not lying lah. Ladies and gentlemen, when times are good, all of you get to see it. But when we slog like a donkey, you guys out there won't know lor. Aiyah, tell you all about it next time.
羡慕很多人的那个老人家,大家一定要学习,他的拼搏,是用命换回来的,虽然大哥口口声声说危险动作不用替身,鬼才相信,那天就有一个他的替身出来揭发他了,可是又怎样?大哥不是浪得虚名的。Those of you who envy that old man must know something. He has gone all ways out with his life in exchange for what he has today. Although he says all his stunts are done by himself with no substitute, but who's going to believe. Just the other day, one of his stuntman came out to expose his deeds. But so what? Jackie Chan still lived up to his reputation.
现在在大陆,他从脚红到头,红得发光发紫,连洗发水也代言,还好他没掉头发,才代言得了。Right now in China, he's so popular. His popularity has shone from head to toe. He's even the spokesman for shampoo now. Fortunately he's not balding, so he can still advertise for the shampoo.
说了那么久,立体的出现了,应该说是本尊,其实我见过他,友人立刻拍照,但是距离远了,所以有些蒙蒙。After so much talk, the actual thing has appeared. I mean, the man himself. Actually, I did meet him in person, but by the time my friend managed to take his picture, he had already walked on, so the picture was blurry.
上台之后,还跟主持人寒暄一会。。。当年我还没有拍电影之前,我就是当这种主持巨星的主持人或司仪。我曾经在IMM开幕的时候主持过成龙叔,当时在台上拍卖他的夹克,可是在台上喊了半天没有人要拿,成龙好尴尬哦,我记得他当时的表情,真同情他,新加坡人有时候就是这样修理人,不过这个是主办机构的错,这种投标是应该事先叫人家捐钱,然后在台上假假喊有人愿意捐钱,就是这样啦,之前的主办机构就是没有经验,结果害得成龙叔冷汗流得满身湿到底裤去了,最后情急之下,他干脆在台上自己贱价卖掉他的夹克,看得大家目瞪口呆。Up on stage, he also mingled with the emcees... Long ago, before I started making movies, I was also an emcee like them. I ever hosted the opening ceremony of IMM with uncle Jackie as the guest star. At that time, we were trying to auction his jacket off on stage. But after shouting half a day, no one was interested in it. Jackie Chan was so embarrassed lor. I can still remember his expression, and I really pity him. Singaporeans ah... Sometimes really "tekan" people like that. But actually, the organizers were at fault. In this kind of auctions, they should have asked for sponsors in advance, then pretend to carry out the auction on stage, to "willing buyers". Should be like that mah. Those organizers had no experience then, causing uncle Jackie to break out in cold sweat, from head to toe, underwear also wet. Towards the end, in a fit of panic, he discounted his own jacket and sold it off, much to the astonishment of everyone.
After that incident, the organizers had to bang their heads on the wall and apologize.








很重要的人,就是这两个人,画面很有趣,和我刚才的那张有异曲同工之妙,同样的是一个在前一个在后,前面的那个姓“陈”,后面的,哈哈哈,也是“成”,可是,前面的那个是超级有钱的人,后面的那个是拿前面那个人的钱,代言他产品的人,知道是谁了吗?The very important people refers to these two. A very interesting picture, similar to the one earlier with me in it. Again, with one in front, and one behind. The one in front has the surname Chen. While the one behind, has the surname Chan. However, the one in front is super rich, and the one behind is the guy who takes money from the one in front, and happens to be the spokesman for his product. Know who they are already?
对了,前面的就是洗发水的老板,陈总,后面的是成龙,两人的侧面都有一个吸引人的地方,成龙的像极了成龙,陈总的,像极了---吴宇森!Yep, the one in front is the boss of the shampoo company Chairman Chen, and the one behind is Jackie Chan. Both of them something distinct from their side views. Jackie Chan looks exactly like Jackie Chan. And Chairman Chen looks like... John Woo 吴宇森!/p>
老实说,这个人,其实就是吴宇森!Actually, this man is really John Woo!/p>
哈哈哈,开玩笑的啦,才不是吴宇森,是洗发水的陈总。Hahaha, joking lah, he's not John Woo lah. He's the boss of the shampoo company Chairman Chen.



Saturday, September 15, 2007
Still remember that trip I made to Shanghai? Are you guys curious to know what I did there?
Actually, I was invited to go there to recce… Do you find those street scenes in these pictures familiar? Stephen Chow's Kung Fu Hustle and Peter Chan's Perhaps Love, were all filmed here. 当我把自己也放在里面,觉得配合得了吗?I've put myself in that background, do you think I fit it there?
这种巷子在中国是很普遍,但是这个巷子,我始终觉得,很艺术咯。。。这种背景,只要灯光一打,感觉就来了。。。These types of streets are very common in China. Bit this particular lane, I feel, is very artistic… The background, with proper lighting, you'll be able to get the feel…
最近也碰到一个快要面临绝种的喜剧导演,在柔佛,一个机缘巧合之下,我们碰面了,他送给我们一个光碟要我和我的创意总监过目,我们一开机之后就笑不停,不相信,你们看,这个光碟,很有笑话爆发点,所有的演员都是一般没有经验的人,其实导演很厉害。Recently, I met an almost comedy director who's close to extinction. We met by chance in Johor. He gave us a VCD, and asked me & my creative director to have a look. And the moment we put it on we, we laughed non stop. Don't believe ah? You guys watch it lah. The jokes will make you burst out laughing. All the actors in the show are non professionals. So in actual fact, the director is really good.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
非常演员训练班Unusual Artiste Training Class
The earlier collaboration with Ocean Butterfly on the Unusual Artiste Training Class is almost coming to an end.
During the course, we arranged for the students to go thru demonstrations. This time round, we arranged for them to go to Mediacorp to watch the recording of the last 2 episodes of World of Laughs.
Some pictures to share.
这张是我的casting director替我拍的,角度和气氛我都很喜欢,有一种,导演的感觉,呵呵,他们说的。。。this picture was taken by my casting director .i like the angle and feel to it.they said it had the director feel.
我们的同学就是在一个角落观赏,特别安排大家做在一个显眼的地方,这些同学,都很好奇。。。这就对了,这就是一种热忱。Our students observed the recording from this corner. We had intentionally put them in a conspicuous corner. These students showed a lot of curiosity… Which is expected due to their passion.
不只是演员训练班的同学有观摩的机会,我们梁家班也因为有观众,特别卖力,这次的录影,破了有史以来的最早完成录影的记录。It wasn't only the students of the Talent Quest classes. J Team also had very enthusiastic audiences. And this time, the recording had broken a record of completing the record very early.
喜欢同学们热忱的学习态度,因为明天他们就要考试了,借这个机会给大家提供一些贴士。。。I liked the students' passion in learning, because tomorrow, they have to go thru a test. So using this opportunity to give everyone some tips…
同学们好好玩哦,想要偷偷和他们一起拍照也不行。大家在后面尽量搔首弄姿,好过扮鬼脸。Well, have fun, students, but you can't take photographs with them. Every one was giggling the background, but still it was better than making funny faces.
was a bit disappointed some students din turn up the second days recording...actually the second day recording more things to see and learn.below is a clip about mark lee teaching dance..hahaha...
Saturday, September 8, 2007
My friends who watched these 2 videos think that I'm crazy.
Being stuck in such a bad situation and could still manage to film that video calmly.
Frankly speaking, life is like that, You never know when you are going to get ca ught in such a sticky situation. So instead of blaming the whole world , might as well adjust to fit in.
Just like this video, makes you laugh watching it. If you're also stuck in an awkward situation, then just be like me, handle it with an open mind.
Because you like my video, my embarrassing moments became a very nice memory.
But, the bill for the car repair cost is not out yet, and my wife says it's going to cost a bomb lor...
another one...
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Dear net pals, Director Neo is home!
Didn’t expect that when I was away, there was “political unrest” in my blog. Someone actually attempted to usurp my throne. Luckily with much support from all of you round the globe, I didn’t end up like former Thai premier Taksin, hahaha.
Actually, this case was a difficult one to handle. Especially so when it was really inconvenient for me to appear in the news at this point in time. So much gossip and rumours that I’m trying to get into the lime light. In actual fact, this issue was really uncalled for. If I had just kept quiet, then the matter might have just gotten worse. The fact that the other guy was writing as Anonymous, accusing me of hurting Little Papaya (Mindee Ong), I really don’t know whether to laugh or cry. two groups of friends gave me 2 sets of opinion. Some said to forget it, the others said to pursue all the way…
In my thoughts, it’s not a matter of being magnanimous. Because if I remain quiet over it, people will say that I’m just admitting it, didn’t bother to come out to clarify it. Haiz, really speechless man. On the other hand, if I clarified it, then I’d be helping 881 in publicity. This in actual fact, was never my fear. As I have said, whatever I can do to help increase the box office of this movie, I’d be most obliging. As long as it’s for a local movie production, I would go the extra mile. I think everyone in the Singapore movie industry should help each other out. Let us work together and exterminate the imported movies. Not forgetting, whoever next who’s going to make another movie will definitely need the help and support of others. Only then will our movie industry flourish.
And this person has already responded.

OK, let’s take about my recent developments.
This trip to China and Hong Kong, I have many nice pictures to share with all of you. I even met my idol in Hong Kong by chance. Want to know who my idol is? Hahahaha… Very soon you’ll see, and I am sure you’ll be very surprised.
Alright, it’s very late already so I need to go catch some sleep… As a reference, I welcome all opinions and comments on the person who slandered me.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
冒充者 The Imposter
我很失望,有人竟然冒充我的名字在我的TAG BOARD 上骂人,其实我已经很久没有上TAG BOARD因为在中国我无法上blogspot,我最近的post是我写了之后,用word file寄给我公司的助理让她来帮忙我上传。
这是我的部落格,言论和思维都代表我,我有责任制止这个事情发生,这个人可以叫Jack Neo但是他必须表明他不是我,现在他在我的部落格公然误导大家他就是Jack Neo,这是非常严重了。
I am really disappointed. Someone actually made use of my name and started scolding other people on my TAG BOARD. In actual fact, I have not visited my TAG BOARD for a very long time, because I’m in China, and there’s no way to access blogspot. My recent posts were written by me, and sent as a word file to my colleague, who then published it for me.
Probably this imposter thinks it’s very funny to do such an act secretly. But, this is illegal, and I would like to request for this person to come forward and apologize to me and as well as all blog readers whom he had offended. This person should email to:
If I do not hear from this person within 1 week,
This is my blog, and whatever opinion and thoughts all represent me. I have a responsibility to stop such things form happening. This person might also be named 'Jack Neo', but he should state that he is not me. Now that he has misled everyone on my blog to think that he is me, and this is very serious!